Production of posters on ecological resources and residents to commemorate the Soraepogu Festival

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By The Korean Today Ankara

Incheon City’s Namdong-gu and Namdong Cultural Foundation announced on the 23rd that they will produce a Soraepogu Landscape and People Poster featuring Soraepogu’s ecological resources and residents to commemorate the 24th Soraepogu Festival .

A total of 8 posters will be produced, categorized into the following themes : Soraepogu Ecosystem Soraepogu Life Soraepogu and the Sea Lively Soraepogu Power of Soraepogu Delicious Soraepogu Bountiful Soraepogu.

Through the production of this poster, the district aims to strengthen the festival’s identity by bringing to the forefront the landscape that symbolizes Sorae Port and the people who make this place their stage for life .

Production of posters on ecological resources and residents to commemorate the Soraepogu Festival

[Korean Today] Production of Ecological Resources and Citizen Theme Posters to Commemorate Soraepogu Festival] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

Additionally , we plan to increase interest in the festival by producing a unique poster that breaks away from the format of existing event promotional materials .

The posters produced will be distributed within Namdong-gu and used to promote the festival .

In particular , the production of this poster was done in close cooperation with the Sorae Fishing Village and Sorae Port Traditional Fish Market Merchants Association. As the festival progresses, it is expected that private participation in the Soraepogu Festival will be strengthened .

[Korean Today] Production of Ecological Resources and Citizen Theme Posters to Commemorate Soraepogu Festival] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

Namdong-gu District Mayor Park Jong-hyo said, I expect that special posters that break away from the formal framework and can be more interesting to tourists will be produced .

Meanwhile , the 24th Soraepogu Festival will be held for three days starting September 27th at Soraepogu Haeoreum Square . For more information, please contact the Namdong Cultural Foundation Culture and Arts Support Team ( 070-8820-4037) .

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