Ulsan City Holds Children's Traffic Safety Promotion Activity

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By The Korean Today Bangkok

Ulsan City announced that on August 26th at 8:20 AM, a joint public-private sector children’s traffic safety ‘Children First’ public relations activity will be held in the Yongyeon Elementary School children’s protection zone in Yaeum-dong, Nam-gu. This event was organized to prevent children’s traffic accidents and strengthen traffic safety awareness as the second semester of elementary school begins.

[Korean Today] Children’s Traffic Safety First Promotional Activity © Reporter Lim Yeon-muk

The event was attended by approximately 100 people, including Ulsan Mayor Kim Du-gyeom, Ulsan City, the Office of Education (schools), the National Police Agency, the Korea Road Traffic Authority, the Korea Transportation Safety Authority, parents, children, and traffic volunteers. The attendees chanted, “Stop for now, let the ‘children first’ go,” emphasizing that children are absolute subjects of protection, and they plan to focus their publicity efforts on creating an environment where children can walk safely.

Starting with this event, Ulsan City plans to continue to promote children’s traffic safety in five districts and counties throughout September. Ulsan Mayor Kim Du-gyeom said, “We will do our best to improve the children’s traffic safety environment so that children can go to school safely,” and asked, “I hope that all citizens will also participate in preventing children’s traffic accidents by making safe driving a part of their daily lives within children’s protection zones.”

Meanwhile, Ulsan City is investing 3.8 billion won this year to prevent traffic accidents in children’s protection zones by improving school routes, installing safety signs, improving and replacing traffic signals, and installing unmanned traffic control equipment. In particular, in the second half of this year, a total project cost of 1.3 billion won, including 650 million won in national funds, will be used to actively promote a project to create safe school routes by installing intelligent (smart) crosswalks, safety fences, and sidewalks utilizing school grounds at 13 schools in the region.

Ulsan City plans to continue its efforts to create an environment where children can safely commute to school.

Source: Korean Today

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