Caring activities for seniors over 100 years old

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By The Korean Today Bogota

Incheon City’s Namdong-gu Guwol 4- dong Administrative Welfare Center reported on the 23rd that it recently carried out a meaningful activity of directly visiting the homes of elderly people over 100 years old to check on their health and well-being .

This visit was conducted to closely monitor the health and safety of local seniors and to ease their concerns about their daily lives through the active efforts of the Administrative Welfare Center .

During home visits, a visiting nurse accompanied the elderly to thoroughly check their health and provide necessary support and counseling .

100세 이상 어르신들께 찾아가는 안부 돌봄 활동 펼쳐

[Korean Today] Care activities to visit seniors over 100 years old] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

The elderly are our parents, so it is our natural role as children to protect their health and safety, said Director Lee Yoon-jung . I am glad that I could provide some comfort and help to the elderly through this visit .

He also added , “ We will continue to regularly check on the well-being of the elderly and provide continued support .

Meanwhile , the Guwol 4- dong Resident Autonomy Council plans to visit the homes of seniors aged 95 or older in conjunction with this home visit to seniors aged 100 or older to convey the warm concern of the local community .

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