I Bet on Moxibustion: Treating Corns with Moxibustion


Heejae(pseudonym) is a first-year middle school student. He is small in stature but has a very cheerful and lively personality. He loves sports and always comes back from break time with a flushed face and drenched in sweat.


I Bet on Moxibustion: Treating Corns with Moxibustion

 [Korean Today] Appearance of a corn on the finger joint (Photo provided by Zoomarella) ⓒ Reporter Park Chan-doo

However, Heejae had a secret concern. A corn had developed under the nail of the third finger on his right hand, growing so large that it made bending the finger difficult.


Feeling the inconvenience in his daily life, Heejae’s parents took him to a university hospital for laser and cryotherapy treatments for over a year, but the condition did not improve. It was a waste of both money and time.


 [Korean Today] Moxa placed on the finger joint ⓒ Reporter Park Chan-doo


By chance, I learned about this and asked Heejae to come to me after class. I made a small cone-shaped moxa the size of a bean and placed it on the corn, then lit it.


Perhaps because the corn had grown so large like a boil, Heejae didn’t feel much heat. We applied it three times a day for three consecutive days.


 [Korean Today] Moxibustion burning on the finger joint ⓒ Reporter Park Chan-doo 


A few days later, Heejae excitedly ran to me to show that the corn had fallen off. He was overjoyed.


Indeed, the large, stubborn corn had vanished without a trace, revealing skin as smooth as the rest of his finger.


 [Korean Today] Moxibustion completely burned on the finger joint ⓒ Reporter Park Chan-doo


To be safe, I occasionally applied mini moxibustion two or three times every few days, and new skin grew, making the area look normal. I am once again amazed by the efficacy of moxibustion.


Even a small corn can be painful if it’s on your body. Although it may seem minor, having it constantly on your mind can be stressful. Considering that the corn was so large that it prevented him from bending his finger, imagine the level of discomfort and stress he must have endured.


 [Korean Today] Moxibustion used on a corn ⓒ Reporter Park Chan-doo


With the corn gone, Heejae no longer had to worry about it, which must have been a relief, especially since it might have affected his studies. Moxibustion is the best treatment for corns.


Even when university hospitals’ laser and cryotherapy treatments failed, moxibustion worked wonders in just a few days. I highly recommend moxibustion for treating corns.


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<저작권자 ⓒ 코리안투데이(The Korean Today) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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