Mingyur Rinpoche’s Profound Teachings at the Prajnaparamita Meditation Event Hosted by Tergar Asia


In May 2024, at the Prajnaparamita Meditation event hosted by Tergar Asia, the world-renowned meditation master Mingyur Rinpoche delivered profound teachings on wisdom, self, emptiness, and reincarnation. His sermons, which unraveled complex philosophical concepts into practical methods applicable to everyday life, left a significant impact on many attendees.


Mingyur Rinpoche’s Profound Teachings at the Prajnaparamita Meditation Event Hosted by Tergar Asia

Korean Today Tergar Asia Lecture by Rinpoche   Image: @ Reporter Minjae Kim


The Essence of Wisdom and Curiosity

On the first day, Rinpoche explained the essence of wisdom, defining it as curiosity and discernment. He emphasized that wisdom starts from the ability to discern things, which stems from curiosity. He stated, “Everyone has curiosity and wisdom,” and explained that our everyday perceptions and inquisitive minds form the foundation of wisdom. The essence of the Prajnaparamita, ‘wisdom beyond wisdom,’ is the pursuit of transcendent wisdom that goes beyond mere discernment, and this is the core of the practice.


Understanding and Embracing the Nature of Self

On the second day, there was an exploration of the nature of self. Rinpoche presented a method of practice for identifying and being with the sense of ‘I.’ He explained, “Usually, when we don’t observe the sense of ‘I,’ it feels very strong, but when we observe it, it becomes unfindable.” Observing the sense of ‘I’ is the first step to freeing oneself from the trap of self, and he advised not to fight or flee from it but to just be with it. This is the process of realizing the nature of self and gaining freedom from its control. Instead of perceiving the self as singular and permanent, it is crucial to understand it as merely a thought.


The Harmony of Emptiness and Relative Truth

On the third day, the discussion continued on how to understand the difficulties of daily life from the perspective of emptiness. Rinpoche explained how to view real-world problems, such as debt, from the perspective of emptiness. He said, “Emptiness is not nothingness, and because of emptiness, phenomena like water and body can appear,” emphasizing the need to address real-world problems by respecting the rules of relative truth. He highlighted the importance of combining action and perspective, maintaining a balance between following relative truth and understanding absolute truth. This approach guides us towards ultimate enlightenment while solving everyday problems.


Understanding Karma and Reincarnation

On the last day of the teachings, Rinpoche delivered profound teachings on the causes of reincarnation and the traces of karma. He explained how karma and its traces lead to reincarnation through the twelve links of dependent origination. Rinpoche illustrated this with an example of stealing an apple, clarifying how karmic traces are formed and how the process of reincarnation begins with ignorance. He emphasized, “Karmic traces remain as seeds in our subconscious, leading to a new life,” and stressed that understanding this is the path to breaking the cycle of reincarnation and moving towards ultimate liberation.


Mingyur Rinpoche: A World-Renowned Meditation Master

Mingyur Rinpoche is a globally recognized meditation master and a teacher of Tibetan Buddhism. From a young age, he immersed himself in rigorous practice and study to master the deep teachings of Buddhism. He has since traveled worldwide, delivering lectures and education on meditation and mind training. Rinpoche is particularly known for presenting meditation methods suited to modern life, offering inner peace and wisdom to many people. His books have been translated into numerous languages, inspiring readers globally, and his teachings have the power to bring about real change in life, beyond mere philosophical contemplation. For more details, click here.




Mingyur Rinpoche’s 2024 mind-training teachings offer powerful guidance that can transform our daily lives and inner world, based on a deep understanding of wisdom, self, emptiness, and reincarnation. His sermons present a path to finding inner peace, realizing the profound meaning of life, and emphasizing the importance of practice. Through these teachings, we can gain the wisdom to lead a better  life.


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