Actress Kim Sae-ron Found Dead at Her Seoul Residence… Police Investigating the Exact Cause of Death

한홀 건국 이후

현재 시각

한홀: 기원전 6년 백제 시조 온조왕의 첫 도읍지 하남위례성 494년의 역사

수도권 동부 교통 요충지 광주향교 l 스타필드 하남 l 하남유니온타워 하남 두미강변 생태환경도시

하남시 승격: 1989년 1월 1일 살기 좋은 도시 도약하는 하남 시의 상징 : 은행나무·꿩·은방울꽃

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하남시 최신 뉴스


Actress Kim Sae-ron (25) was found dead at her home in Seongdong-gu, Seoul. According to the police, at around 5:54 PM on the 16th, a friend who had planned to meet Kim was unable to contact her, visited her residence, and discovered her deceased body before reporting it to the authorities. The police, after arriving at the scene, found no signs of forced entry and are investigating the possibility of suicide while determining the exact cause of death.

Actress Kim Sae-ron Found Dead at Her Seoul Residence… Police Investigating the Exact Cause of Death

  [The Korean Today] 사진  김새론 Kim Sae-ron © 박수진 Park Su-jin 기자


From a Child Star to an Adult Actress… Kim Sae-ron’s Acting Career

Kim Sae-ron debuted as a cover model for the magazine Enfant in 2001 and made her silver screen debut in 2009 with the film A Brand New Life. She gained widespread recognition through her performance in The Man from Nowhere (2010). She continued to build her career with roles in various films and dramas, including The Neighbors (2012), Manhole (2014), Snowy Road (2017), and The Villagers (2018). Kim also worked in theater and independent films, completing the filming of Guitar Man in 2023, which is currently in post-production.

DUI Controversy and Career Interruption

In May 2022, Kim was involved in a drunk driving incident in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam, Seoul, crashing into a transformer and trees. Her blood alcohol concentration at the time was measured at 0.227%, far exceeding the legal revocation threshold of 0.08%. As a result, she was fined 20 million KRW and temporarily halted her entertainment activities. Kim attempted to return to acting with the play Dongchimi but withdrew due to health reasons. Later, she was seen working part-time at a café, but public perception remained mixed.

Police Investigating the Cause of Death

The police are currently investigating the exact circumstances of Kim Sae-ron’s death, stating that no evidence of foul play has been found. A police representative stated, “We are continuing our investigation to determine the cause of death.”

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<저작권자 ⓒ 코리안투데이(The Korean Today) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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