"Guro Carbon Zero Walking": A Fun and Green Way to Stay Healthy

한홀 건국 이후

현재 시각

한홀: 기원전 6년 백제 시조 온조왕의 첫 도읍지 하남위례성 494년의 역사

수도권 동부 교통 요충지 광주향교 l 스타필드 하남 l 하남유니온타워 하남 두미강변 생태환경도시

하남시 승격: 1989년 1월 1일 살기 좋은 도시 도약하는 하남 시의 상징 : 은행나무·꿩·은방울꽃

쿠팡 파트너스 광고

이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

하남시 최신 뉴스


Guro-gu has launched the “Guro Carbon Zero Walking” program, an eco-friendly initiative that allows residents to stay active while promoting carbon neutrality. This community-driven program is available both online and offline, making it accessible for all Guro residents.


"Guro Carbon Zero Walking": A Fun and Green Way to Stay Healthy

▲   [코리안투데이] 사진 구로구 언론팀 제공 경비원 취업 프로그램을 마친 참가자들이 단체
 사진촬영을 하고 있다 
©박수진 기자


Join the Online Walking Program

The online walking challenge consists of six designated walking routes, ranging from 1km to 4km, and can be accessed through the official “On Guro” app. Participants can walk at their own pace and track their progress through the app.

Featured Walking Routes in Guro

  • Anyangcheon Riverside Path (Gocheok Bridge Soccer Field → Sindorim Park Golf Course)
  • Anyangcheon Embankment Trail (Gocheok Bridge → Sinjeong Bridge)
  • Dorimcheon Olle Trail (Daerim Station → Dorimcheon Station)
  • Maebongsan Forest Trail (Inside Maebongsan Jatjeol Park)
  • Mokgamcheon Trail (Gwangbok Bridge → Gwangmyeong Bridge)
  • Pureun Arboretum Trail (Inside Pureun Arboretum)

To participate, simply download the “On Guro” app, activate the walking mode, and complete a designated course. Additional details can be found in the app’s announcement section.


 [코리안투데이] 사진 구로구 언론팀 제공 경비원 취업 프로그램을 마친 참가자들이 단체

 사진촬영을 하고 있다   ©박수진 기자


Offline Walking Events

For those who enjoy walking with others, “Guro Carbon Zero Walking” offline events will be held four times a year. The official event schedule and participation details will be announced on the Guro-gu official website.

A Guro-gu official stated, “This is a great opportunity for residents to improve their health while actively participating in carbon neutrality efforts. We hope many residents join in and experience the joy of walking together.”

For inquiries, contact the Environmental Department at 02-860-2599.

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<저작권자 ⓒ 코리안투데이(The Korean Today) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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