Guro District Publishes ‘2025 Guro In Life Guide’

한홀 건국 이후

현재 시각

한홀: 기원전 6년 백제 시조 온조왕의 첫 도읍지 하남위례성 494년의 역사

수도권 동부 교통 요충지 광주향교 l 스타필드 하남 l 하남유니온타워 하남 두미강변 생태환경도시

하남시 승격: 1989년 1월 1일 살기 좋은 도시 도약하는 하남 시의 상징 : 은행나무·꿩·은방울꽃

쿠팡 파트너스 광고

이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

하남시 최신 뉴스


The Guro District Office has officially published the 2025 Guro In Life Guide, a practical guidebook designed to help residents easily access and utilize various facilities, cultural events, and administrative services in Guro. 

Guro District Publishes ‘2025 Guro In Life Guide’

 [코리안투데이] 사진 구로구 언론팀 제공 “2025 Guro In Life Guide” Booklet
  ©박수진 기자


Comprehensive Life Information △ Customized Guide for Residents

The guidebook provides detailed information on policies set to be implemented in 2025, Guro District’s financial management, welfare services available for different age groups and demographics, as well as major cultural, sports, and recreational facilities.

It also includes practical information on local tax payment methods, various civil complaint procedures, and waste disposal guidelines, allowing residents to conveniently find essential information in one book.

Additionally, it offers a comprehensive explanation of medical and healthcare services, education and employment support policies provided by the district, ensuring that residents can access these resources whenever needed.

九老区发布《2025 九老人生活指南》

▲     [코리안투데이] Photo: Guro Digital, Guro District Office Logo  ©박수진 기자


Clear Facility Maps for Easy Navigation

To enhance accessibility, the guidebook presents key venues such as performance halls, community sports facilities, the Guro Olle Trail, and amenities around Anyangcheon in a map format. This allows residents to quickly and intuitively locate facilities.

The guide also includes details on annual signature events such as G-Festival, the Asia Cultural Festival, and various community art performances, improving residents’ access to cultural activities in the district.

Available Both Online and Offline △ Easy Access for Everyone

To ensure accessibility, physical copies of the guidebook are available at local community centers, district offices, and other frequently visited locations. Additionally, a digital version is accessible through the official Guro District website.

For residents who prefer digital access, the guide is also available for viewing on mobile and tablet devices, providing convenience in the digital era.

Furthermore, a phone consultation service will be available for elderly or physically challenged residents to help them obtain necessary information directly.

Guro District’s Commitment to Enhancing Public Services

A Guro District representative stated, “We hope that the ‘2025 Guro In Life Guide’ will provide practical support to our residents. Moving forward, we will continue to discover and share valuable information to further enhance administrative services and improve convenience for our community.”

Guro District is committed to continuously developing policies that improve residents’ access to essential public services, making everyday life more convenient and efficient.

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