'Red Circle Campaign' to Know Your Own Blood Vessel Numbers

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By The Korean Today LA

Incheon Namdong-gu announced on the 27th that it will promote the Know Your Blood Vessel Number , Red Circle Campaign to manage the health of residents during the intensive publicity week for prevention and management of cerebrovascular diseases (9.1-9.7) .

The red circle means healthy blood vessels , and the slogan Know your blood vessel numbers is used to indicate that blood vessel health starts with knowing your blood pressure , blood sugar , and cholesterol levels .

자기혈관 숫자알기’레드서클 캠페인 실시

[Korean Today] ‘Red Circle Campaign’ to Know Your Blood Vessel Numbers Implemented] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

The public health center will be holding the Red Circle Walking Challenge from the 1st to the 22nd of next month as a resident participation health campaign both online and offline , and plans to provide small prizes through a drawing among those who complete the 130,000 step walking mission through the WalkOn app .

Additionally , on September 5th , blood pressure , blood sugar , and cholesterol measurement and cardiovascular disease prevention rules will be promoted to market vendors and local residents at Sorae Port ( Sorae History Museum Square ) .

[Korean Today] ‘Red Circle Campaign’ to Know Your Blood Vessel Numbers © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

Through this , we plan to increase the ability to check and manage one’s own health status, thereby promoting early detection of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and diabetes and publicizing the importance of vascular management .

A health center official said, Cardiovascular disease can be prevented through improving lifestyle habits and managing pre-existing diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes ,” and added , Through this Red Circle campaign, we will do our best to ensure that residents regularly manage their blood pressure , blood sugar , and cholesterol levels and practice proper lifestyle habits in their daily lives.

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