Significantly shortening the building permit processing period by improving the permit management system

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By The Korean Today LA

Yongin Special City’s Cherin-gu improved the ‘building permit management system’ this year, bringing forward the processing period for new building permits by an average of 20 days compared to last year. Cherin-gu announced on the 26th that it has made various efforts to shorten the consultation and legal review period while implementing the ‘Permit Comprehensive (Improvement) Plan’.

Significantly shortening the building permit processing period by improving the permit management system

[Korean Today] The city of Cheoin-gu has implemented the ‘Permit Comprehensive (Improvement) Plan’ to significantly shorten the processing period for new building permits. © Reporter Na-yeon Kim

Yongin Special City Cheoin-gu has significantly shortened the processing period for new building permits through the ‘Comprehensive (Improvement) Plan for Permits’ implemented early this year. According to the district, the average processing period for new building permits in the first half of this year was 52 days, which is about 20 days shorter than the 71.5 days in the same period last year. This achievement was the result of additionally introducing various improvement measures such as training for permit managers on their work processing, management of agenda consultation periods, and establishment of a supplementary database.

In order to efficiently execute this improvement plan, the city is developing and operating its own management ledger that systematically manages the consultation period for related laws and regulations and automates document creation. In particular, it is doing its best to prevent time loss due to delays in consultation by compiling complaints that exceed the consultation period every week.

In addition, the district holds discussions twice a week with building permit officers on difficult-to-interpret applications, and based on this, a booklet has been produced that organizes the review criteria into a manual. This manual is distributed to architectural offices in the region, and contributes to shortening unnecessary legal review periods by sharing opinions on legal interpretation.

In order to supplement the problems of the improvement measures established in the first half of the year and to further increase efficiency, the city of Cheoin has additionally established comprehensive improvement measures for permits and licenses in the second half of the year. The main contents of the measures in the second half of this year are ▲Strengthening the management system for permit processing periods ▲Strengthening construction safety through safety management deposits ▲Enhancing job expertise ▲Enhancing the livability and eco-friendliness of apartment complexes, etc., focusing on shortening the processing period and further increasing the effectiveness of the policy.

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