Autonomous bank account committee conducts environmental improvement and disaster safety inspections

On the 26th , the Dongchun 3- dong neighborhood autonomy association in Yeonsu-gu ( Chairperson Chunja Kim ) went around the local parks , walking trails, etc. by region to collect household waste and conduct comprehensive maintenance and inspections of vulnerable areas in preparation for heavy rain during the rainy season .

On this day, employees of the local administrative welfare center and members of the autonomous neighborhood association patrolled local parks and walking trails, collected abandoned household waste , inspected gutters and potholes to prepare for flooding during the rainy season , and identified risk factors .

Autonomous bank account committee conducts environmental improvement and disaster safety inspections

[Korean Today] Tongjang Autonomous Council, Environmental Improvement and Disaster Safety Inspection] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

Dongchun 3- dong head Im Ji-sook said , I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the autonomous neighborhood association who have shown interest and affection and worked hard to make Dongchun 3- dong a safe and pleasant place to live even during the hot summer. She added , “ We will continue to do our best to create a comfortable and pleasant environment in Dongchun 3 -dong .”

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