Seoul Digital Companion Plaza Expands Program to Recharge Elderly in the Heat

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By The Korean Today Manila

Seoul Digital Companion Plaza
is expanding various programs to enhance the vitality and digital capabilities of the elderly in the summer heat. The centers located in Yeongdeungpo and Eunpyeong provide various activities ranging from leisure, cultural experiences, education, and self-development to support the digital learning and mental vitality of the elderly.

Since its official opening in December last year, Seoul Digital Plaza has welcomed 44,400 visitors as of July 31, and 13,000 people have participated in educational programs, greatly improving their digital capabilities. These programs have been of great help in restoring the confidence of the elderly and relieving their sense of isolation.

Through 1:1 customized counseling and various digital device experiences, seniors are learning skills and feeling a sense of accomplishment at the same time. Thanks to the counselors’ kind and repetitive explanations, the rate of return visits is increasing, and seniors who received counseling showed a willingness to learn new digital skills such as financial apps.

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서울디지털동행플라자, 무더위 속 장노년층 활력 충전 프로그램 확대

[Korean Today] Seoul Digital Companion Plaza Guide Poster

At the end of August, a
digital golden bell event will be held to encourage the elderly to familiarize themselves with basic digital terms and to continue learning. This quiz competition, which is for those aged 60 and over, will be held on August 29 at Eunpyeong Center and on August 30 at Yeongdeungpo Center. Applications will be accepted from August 21 to 28.

The contest consists of 20 questions presented by an announcer voice using artificial intelligence (AI), providing an opportunity to learn digital technologies. The final winner will receive a small souvenir.

Since last July, each center has been operating a community where seniors can explore digital hobbies and creative activities. Currently, communities such as Online Writer Challenge, YouTuber Challenge, and Becoming a Digital Drawing Expert are in operation, and participants are voluntarily operating the meetings.

The Plaza plans to continue to expand its diverse content and community by hosting presentations and exhibitions.

On the last Wednesday of every month, a Culture Day event is held where seniors can watch their favorite movies. On August 28, Gukje Market will be screened at Eunpyeong Center and The Stables will be screened at Yeongdeungpo Center .

Seoul Digital Companion Plaza is open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM from Monday to Saturday, and the operating hours are adjusted to 6:00 PM during the winter. It is also used as a heat refuge, allowing residents to relax in a cool environment. Reservations for various programs can be made through the official Digital Companion Plaza website, application, or by phone.

Park Jin-young, director of Seoul City’s Digital City Bureau, said, “The Seoul Digital Companion Plaza is operating practical and diverse programs necessary for the daily lives of seniors,” and added, “We will do our best to enable more citizens to strengthen their digital capabilities without burden.”

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