City quality starts from aesthetics… Outdoor advertising guidebook production

Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (Mayor Choi Ho-kwon) announced on the 22nd that it will produce and distribute an ‘Outdoor Advertisement Guidebook’ to effectively manage illegal outdoor advertisements that damage the cityscape and to help advertisers and advertising businesses understand.

This guidebook contains various contents such as standards for advertisement installation, permits and reporting targets, maintenance of illegal advertisements, and measures for violations. In particular, it was produced so that anyone can easily understand by easily explaining the location, height, and specifications of advertisements according to their installation location, such as on walls, windows, and rooftops, with photos and illustrations.

Outdoor advertisements have been installed indiscriminately, disrupting the streetscape and, in particular, not being in harmony with the surrounding landscape. The district expects that this unified guideline will contribute to improving the image of a clean city center and creating a safe and pleasant living environment.

도시 품격은 미관으로부터… 옥외광고물 가이드북 제작

[Korean Today] Outdoor Advertisement Guidebook Cover

The main contents are ▲subjects of permission and reporting for outdoor advertisements, which were frequently inquired about ▲maintenance of illegal advertisements and measures for violations ▲methods of displaying outdoor advertisements such as wall signs, protruding signs, rooftop signs, standing signs, and banners ▲things to note during installation ▲registration of outdoor advertisement business, etc.

In particular, we have made it easy to understand by explaining the location, height, and specifications of outdoor advertisements according to their installation location, such as on walls, windows, and rooftops, through photos and drawings so that they are in harmony with the building. We have also compressed it into 30 pages so that it can be used on-site.

The district will place the ‘Outdoor Advertisement Guidebook’ in the permit department of the district office so that visiting citizens can easily access it. It will also be posted on the district website so that anyone can download it.

Yeongdeungpo-gu expects that this guidebook will contribute to creating a clean and pleasant living environment by providing unified guidelines. The guidebook, which is placed in the permit department of the district office, is provided for easy access by visiting citizens, and can also be downloaded through the district website.

Yeongdeungpo-gu Mayor Choi Ho-kwon said, “I expect that through the production of this guidebook, we will be able to improve the downtown image of Yeongdeungpo-gu and transform it into a resource for creating an attractive streetscape.”

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