Dangdong Officetel Construction Permit Cancelled… Citizen Safety and Public Welfare Prioritized

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By The Korean Today Manila

Gunpo City announced on the 28th that it had officially cancelled the construction permit for the new officetel that was scheduled to be built in the area of 772-14 Dangdong. This decision is in accordance with Article 11 of the Building Act, and reflects the fact that construction did not begin within two years of receiving the permit on July 20, 2022, and that construction did not begin more than six months after the building owner lost ownership of the land in December 2023.

A Gunpo City official said, “This construction permit cancellation was a decision that prioritized public welfare and citizen safety,” and “The area around 772-14 Dangdong has been causing confusion due to extensive publicity of land use and construction plans that were not administratively confirmed.” He continued, “The current laws are strengthening the safety and function of buildings and the protection of citizens’ property, so this measure is an extension of that.”

In addition, Gunpo City plans to increase citizens’ trust by transparently and quickly processing construction-related administrative procedures in the future. In order for citizens to more easily check and inquire about construction-related information, the Gunpo City website and the Construction Department (031-390-0893) will strengthen their guidance services.

Dangdong Officetel Construction Permit Cancelled… Citizen Safety and Public Welfare Prioritized

[Korean Today] Gunpo City Hall Photo © Reporter Yoo Jong-sook

This decision to cancel the building permit is being evaluated as the result of Gunpo City not only meeting legal requirements, but also prioritizing the improvement of citizens’ quality of life and safety. There is growing interest in how new building plans will be promoted in this area in the future.

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