Suwon City, IoT-based 'Smart Well-being Project' to Check on the Well-being of People at Risk of Death from Loneliness

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By The Korean Today Mars

Suwon City, together with KEPCO MCS, is implementing the Smart Well-being Project to check on the well-being of those at risk of dying alone using IoT ( Internet of Things ) .


Suwon City and KEPCO MCS signed a business agreement for the Anbu Smart Project to Prevent Deaths from Loneliness and Support Socially Isolated Households at Suwon City Hall on the 22nd and promised cooperation . Suwon City 1st Vice Mayor Kim Hyeon-su and KEPCO MCS President Jeong Seong-jin signed the agreement .


The Smart Safety Project uses KEPCO MCS power managers ( electricity meter readers ) and public data to check on the safety of socially isolated households at risk of dying alone . The project will be operated until December targeting 100 households at risk of dying alone in Suwon City .

수원시, IoT활용해 고독사위험군 안부 확인하는‘안부똑똑 사업’전개

© Reporter Yang Sook-hee

Install AMI ( remote metering equipment ) and IoT LED lights in target households , and check for abnormal signs using power usage and LED light data . In addition, a power manager will visit and call every month to check on your well-being . If an abnormal sign is detected, the power manager will make an emergency dispatch and check the situation in cooperation with the fire department , police station, etc. After dispatch, the result of the processing will be reported to the local administrative welfare center .


According to the agreement, Suwon City will recruit participants in the Smart Safety Project ( at-risk group for lonely deaths ) and provide administrative support to ensure that the project progresses smoothly . KEPCO MCS will detect abnormal situations using IoT light sensors and remote meter reading power data information . It will also provide regular safety check-up services , make confirmation calls to the subjects when an abnormal situation occurs , and perform emergency dispatch services .


Kim Hyun-soo, the first deputy mayor of Suwon City, said, The number of people leaving this world alone is increasing every year , and it is necessary to check on the well-being of socially isolated households as a preventive measure, and added , We will join forces with KEPCO MCS to prevent lonely deaths, also calledsocial murder .


According to the results of the Suwon Citizens’ Loneliness and Social Isolation Survey conducted by the Suwon City Research Institute on 1,305 citizen panelists in February , the groups vulnerable to social isolation were men , the elderly , and single- person households . Based on the survey results, Suwon City will launch the ‘2024 Loneliness Death Prevention Pilot Project including the Anbu Smart Project .

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