Resident briefing session held to improve operation of Shinpyeonghwa-ro central bus lane

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By The Korean Toda Ottawa

Uijeongbu City (Mayor Kim Dong-geun) held a resident briefing session on improving the operation of the Shinpyeonghwa-ro central bus lane on August 23 and 24. This briefing session was held to seek solutions to various problems raised in the operation of the central bus lane due to issues with the road’s geometric structure and to collect opinions from citizens.

신평화로 중앙버스전용차로 운영 개선 위해 주민설명회 개최

[Korean Today] Uijeongbu City Holds Resident Briefing Session on Improvement of Operation of Central Bus-Only Lane on Shinpyeong-ro © Reporter Eunyoung Kang

The Shinpyeong-ro central bus lane has been in operation since October 2018 on a section (4.4 km) of the Shinpyeong-ro Dongil West Expressway out of the total 8.6 km length according to the plan of the Metropolitan Area Transportation Committee of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. However, since the operation of this section began, various problems have been continuously raised, such as decreased efficiency in the operation of the exclusive lane, traffic congestion due to lane changes, and increased traffic congestion on the entire road due to the exclusive bus lane.

Accordingly, Uijeongbu City has selected the improvement of the operation of the central bus lane on Sinpyeonghwa-ro as a major task of the ‘Uijeongbu City Traffic Congestion Improvement Project’ and has been reviewing various measures to solve the problem. At this resident briefing session, the results of the review were shared with the citizens and their opinions on the improvement measures were heard.

Over 100 citizens attended the briefing session over two days, listened to explanations on improvement measures, and expressed various opinions. Citizens presented various opinions on ways to improve the operational efficiency of exclusive lanes, ways to reduce congestion due to lane changes, and demanded solutions to traffic congestion problems.

Uijeongbu City plans to prepare a final improvement plan for the central bus lane by reflecting the opinions of citizens collected through this briefing session and through various routes. Through this, Uijeongbu City plans to reduce traffic congestion and provide citizens with a better traffic environment.

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