Successful conclusion of infectious disease prevention guerrilla campaign

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By The Korean Toda Ottawa

Uijeongbu City Health Center (Director Jang Yeon-guk) successfully conducted a ‘Guerilla Campaign for Infectious Disease Prevention’ for the entire month of August, effectively informing citizens of the importance of infectious disease prevention. This campaign was conducted at irregular times and places, thereby delivering information on disease prevention to citizens more powerfully.

[Korean Today] Uijeongbu City, Successful Guerrilla Campaign to Prevent Infectious Diseases and Active Citizen Participation © Reporter Eunyoung Kang

The core of this campaign was to naturally convey infectious disease prevention information to citizens. To this end, Uijeongbu City Health Center selected ‘Infectious Disease Prevention Supporters’ from among the participating citizens and provided them with surprise disease prevention packages and stickers with infectious disease prevention slogans. Citizens selected as supporters were in charge of spreading infectious disease prevention rules throughout the community by disseminating these materials to their family and acquaintances.

The campaign, which involved over 300 citizens, received a lot of positive feedback for its unique approach. One participant said, “It was very helpful to be able to get important information from an unexpected place. I am glad to have received good information at a time when I was worried about the spread of COVID-19, and I will share this with those around me.”

Jang Yeon-guk, head of Uijeongbu City Health Center, said, “This campaign has become an opportunity to effectively convey the importance of infectious disease prevention to citizens,” and added, “We will continue to promote creative and accessible campaigns to protect the health of the local community.”

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