Naeson-dong, 'Galmoe Small Library' opens its doors… Expected to become a hub of reading culture for local residents

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By The Korean Today Paris

Uiwang City (Mayor Kim Seong-je) officially opened the ‘Galmoe Small Library’ located in the residential area of Naeson-dong on the 26th and began full-scale operation. With this, Galmoe Small Library has become the 31st private small library in Uiwang City.

Galmoe Small Library has about 1,000 books in a 118㎡ (35 pyeong) space and has 20 reading seats, so that residents can comfortably enjoy reading and studying. The library is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, and various cultural programs related to reading will also be provided. In particular, it plans to provide local residents with a rich cultural experience through various cultural events such as image drawing and doll making.

내손동, ‘갈뫼작은도서관’ 문 열어… 지역 주민의 독서문화 거점 기대

[Korean Today] Galmoe Small Library Opening Photo © Reporter Yoo Jong-sook

On this day, about 40 people including Mayor Kim Seong-je of Uiwang City, the Uiwang City Library Association, and the Galmoe Small Library Management Committee attended the opening ceremony to celebrate the opening. The event included a cake cutting ceremony, commemorative photos, and decorating the library banner.

Mayor Kim Seong-je of Uiwang City said, “I hope that Galmoe Small Library will grow into an important space responsible for reading and culture and arts for local residents,” and added, “We will continue to support and pay attention to small libraries so that Uiwang residents can live richer lives through reading.”

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