Incheon Dong-gu (District Mayor Kim Chan-jin) announced that it will provide an ‘Early Dementia Screening Service’ at each district administrative welfare center until December for seniors aged 60 or older who have difficulty moving.

This service was designed to detect dementia risk group cognitive decline early and to suppress the severity of dementia. In particular, for the elderly who have difficulty visiting the Dementia Care Center due to lack of transportation or difficulty in moving, screening is conducted at an administrative welfare center near their residence.

The examination is conducted through the Cognitive Screening Test (CIST), and if cognitive decline is suspected, support is provided to receive diagnostic and differential tests at the Dementia Care Center and affiliated hospitals. If dementia is finally diagnosed, the patient is registered at the Dementia Care Center and can receive ongoing management through various customized cognitive activities such as dementia treatment management cost support, provision of wandering detection devices (GPS) and care items, 1:1 case management, and shelter programs.

‘찾아가는 치매 조기 검진 서비스’ 실시

[Korean Today] On-site on-site dementia screening service © Reporter Kim Mi-hee

Kim Chan-jin, the mayor of Dong-gu, said, “We plan to operate a visiting dementia early screening service for the elderly who have difficulty visiting the Dementia Care Center in order to eliminate blind spots in screening,” and added, “I ask for the interest and participation of many residents.”

Detailed schedules for each dong can be found on the Dong-gu Office website and in the Hwadojin newsletter.

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