Yongin Special City (Mayor Lee Sang-il) announced on the 25th that it held a ‘Dive in Highball’ program for 20 young people at a cafe in Dongbaek Lake Park on the 23rd. This program was prepared as part of the Gyeonggi-do public offering project ‘Youth Space Support Project Closely Related to Life’ and attracted a lot of attention with a competition rate of 10 to 1.

[Korean Today] Participants in the ‘Dive in Highball’ program designed for young people © Reporter Na-yeon Kim

Yongin Special City held the ‘Dive in Highball’ program at a cafe in Dongbaek Lake Park on the 23rd to relieve stress and recharge energy for young people. This program was carried out as part of the ‘Life-oriented Youth Space Support Project’ promoted by Gyeonggi Province, and was successfully concluded with 20 young people participating.

This program has garnered much attention from the youth, especially with its high competition rate of 10 to 1. ‘Dive in Highball’, conducted by inviting professional instructors, was designed to teach the method of making highballs, which have recently become popular among the younger generation.

Participants had the opportunity to make and taste highballs themselves while sharing their interests and information. This provided an opportunity to relieve stress from daily life and gain energy through communication with new people.

Person A, who participated in the program, said, “It was a fun and memorable opportunity to talk with various people about highball,” and added, “I hope that various cultural programs for young people will continue in the future.”

[Korean Today] Participants in the ‘Dive in Highball’ program designed for young people © Reporter Na-yeon Kim

City officials said, “We have prepared the ‘Dive in Highball’ program so that young people who are tired from the summer heat can communicate with people who have common interests and recharge their energy,” adding, “We will continue to plan and provide various programs that can provide practical help to young people.”

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