Sejong Special Self-Governing City (Mayor Choi Min-ho) will hold the August performance of ‘Bokcom Cultural Sharing’ at the outdoor fountain yard of the Boram-dong Complex Community Center at 7 PM on the 28th. This event is expected to provide citizens with a time of healing through high-quality jazz music.

‘Bokkeum Cultural Sharing’ is a pilot project that uses the complex community center as a small performance hall to provide citizens with diverse cultural experiences, and aims to expand opportunities for cultural enjoyment for all citizens, especially vulnerable groups. A total of four performances are planned at the Boram-dong complex community center this year, and the performance in August is the third event.

The August performance will be held as part of the cultural enjoyment activity support project sponsored by the Sejong Cultural Tourism Foundation, and the Park Hyeon-min Jazz Band, a member of the Sejong Jazz Association, will perform familiar movie background music and old pop music with sweet jazz melodies. In particular, this performance will be held in the form of a mat concert, so citizens can bring their own mats and enjoy the performance in a comfortable atmosphere.

보람동 복합커뮤니티센터, 28일 ‘한여름 밤의 재즈’ 공연 개최

© Reporter Lee Yoon-joo

Lee Sang-ho, the director of the Autonomous Administrative Bureau, said, “This August’s midsummer night jazz concert will provide a brief moment of healing to citizens exhausted from the heat,” and added, “We will continue to provide opportunities to easily enjoy culture in everyday life.”

Meanwhile, ‘Bokkeum Cultural Sharing’ has provided citizens with rich cultural experiences through the ‘Hope 5mm’ performance by the Incheon City Haksan Cultural Center’s visually impaired theater troupe in May, the ‘Eoullim Performance’ by the Sejong City Office of Education’s disabled art troupe in July, and the ‘Sharing Concert’ by professional classical musicians. The performance in August is an extension of these successful events, and it is expected that more citizens will participate.

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