Yeongdeungpo-gu (Mayor Choi Ho-kwon) announced on August 20 that it conducted emergency blood collection training in preparation for the 2024 Ulchi exercise at the district office annex. This training was conducted in cooperation with the district health center and the Seoul Central Blood Center of the Korean Red Cross, and the goal was to master the smooth blood supply process through blood collection training assuming a wartime terrorist attack situation.

전시 대비 긴급채혈 훈련 실시…안정적 혈액 수급을 위한 실전 같은 훈련

[Korean Today] Emergency blood collection training during the exhibition

The training was conducted from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at a temporary blood collection center set up in the auditorium of the district office annex, and local residents and Ulchi exercise workers participated. In particular, about 120 district office employees actively participated in blood donation, promoting the importance of blood donation and taking the lead in sharing lives.

In this training, just like regular blood donation, ▲blood type test ▲blood specific gravity test ▲blood pressure test ▲hepatitis B antigen test ▲hepatitis C antibody test ▲liver function test ▲syphilis antibody test were conducted together.

Yeongdeungpo-gu Mayor Choi Ho-kwon said, “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the residents and staff who actively participated in this blood collection training,” and added, “We will do our best to protect the lives and property of residents by strengthening our emergency response capabilities through four days of substantive training.”

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