Incheon City Namdong-gu Family Center announced on the 27th that it received a community contribution donation of 2 million won from ‘KB Kookmin Bank Incheon Namdong Branch .

The ceremony was attended by Namdong-gu Family Center Director Park Dong-gyu, Namdong Industrial Complex Financial Center Director Park Joo- yong , and Team Leader Kim Jun-hee .

[Korean Today] Family Center, ‘KB Kookmin Bank Incheon Namdong Branch’ Donates 2 Million Won] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo

Center Director Park Dong-gyu said, We would like to express our sincere gratitude to KB Kookmin Bank Incheon Namdong Branch for their support of the community contribution donation . This donation will be used to operate programs for local residents .

Meanwhile , KB Kookmin Bank Incheon Namdong Branch has been making donations for community service for two consecutive years.

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