Starting in 2025 , citizens will be able to easily access medical records from all general hospitals through the Health Information Highway platform . The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Health Industry Development Institute announced that 21 general hospitals will newly participate as data providers for the Health Information Highway , and a total of 47 general hospitals will be linked by the second half of 2025 .


[Korean Today] Status of Participation in the 5th General Hospital “Health Information Highway” © Reporter Deok-Young Ahn


The Health Information Highway platform is a medical MyData relay system that provides patients’ medical records held by various medical institutions in a standardized format and can safely and efficiently transmit data based on patient consent . Currently, 10 general hospitals , 12 general hospitals , and 838 clinics are participating in this system .


The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that the first expansion project will begin in September 2023 , and an additional 144 medical institutions will participate in the Health Information Highway from September 2024. This will link 1,004 medical institutions, including 26 general hospitals .


In addition , from the second half of 2024 to July 2025 , an additional 21 general hospitals, 28 general hospitals , and 210 clinics and hospitals are scheduled to be linked to the Health Information Highway through the second expansion project . As a result, a total of 1,263 medical institutions will participate in the system in the second half of 2025 .


Koh Heung-woo, the Director of Advanced Medical Support at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, emphasized , “ If all general hospitals are connected to the Health Information Highway ,’ citizens will be able to easily check their medical records , and various medical institutions will be able to safely refer to patients’ past medical records to receive more efficient treatment .


Yeom Min-seop, director of the Korea Health Industry Development Institute, said, With all general hospitals participating, the public will have the opportunity to practice preventive health management more efficiently , which will greatly contribute to improving the public’s health .


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