Hwangryongsa Temple, a traditional temple located in Yeondong-myeon, Sejong Special Self-Governing City (Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, chief priest Seonbo Seunim), practiced warm sharing for the local community by delivering 60 bags of rice to the senior center in complexes 7 and 8 of Haengbok Apartments in Dodam-dong on the 23rd. This donation is worth a total of 1.8 million won worth of rice, which will be delivered directly to senior center members.

Hwangryongsa Temple is the 6th traditional temple in Sejong City, located on the hillside of Hwangwoosan Mountain in Yeondong-myeon, and carries out various activities together with the local community. This sponsorship was made when Sejong Special Self-Governing City Mayor Choi Min-ho visited Hwangryongsa Temple on Buddha’s Birthday and talked to the head monk Seonbo, who mentioned the difficulties of the Dodam-dong Senior Citizens’ Center. Upon hearing that the members of the Senior Citizens’ Center had to prepare their own meals every day, Seonbo immediately promised regular rice sponsorship.

황룡사, 도담동 경로당에 매년 쌀 60포 후원 약속

[Korean Today] Hwangryongsa Temple Promises to Donate 60 Bags of Rice to Dodam-dong Senior Center Every Year © Reporter Lee Yoon-joo

Going forward, Hwangryongsa Temple plans to regularly donate rice to the Dodam-dong Senior Center in February, May, August, and December every year. The head monk, Seonbo, said, “I hope this donation will be of some help to the elderly,” and “I will continue to work hard to take care of the elderly around me.”

Lee Jong-yeop, the head of Dodam-dong, said, “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Hwangryongsa Temple for providing support that allowed us to provide warm food to the elderly,” and added, “We will continue to show our interest and support for the elderly in the future.”

This sharing event by Hwangryongsa Temple has had a great impact on the local community, and we expect that it will continue to play a valuable role for the elderly in Sejong City through continued support.

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