Incheon Dong-gu District Mayor Kim Chan-jin announced that he has joined the ‘Bye Bye Plastic (BBP) Challenge’, a nationwide campaign to reduce plastic use. This challenge is conducted by promising to reduce unnecessary plastic use, sharing this on social media, and then nominating the next participant.

Mayor Kim participated in this challenge upon the nomination of Baek Seung-ho, chairman of the Seongsu Medical Foundation, and nominated Yu Ok-bun, chairman of the Dong-gu Council, as the next runner.

Mayor Kim Chan-jin said, “I believe that reducing plastic use through small practices in daily life is the first step toward saving resources and protecting the environment,” and added, “I ask for the interest and voluntary participation of many residents, and the Dong-gu Office will also actively lead the reduction of disposable products in public institutions and strive to create an eco-friendly resource recycling city.”

[Korean Today] Incheon Dong-gu District Office Head Joins ‘Bye Bye Plastic’ Challenge © Reporter Kim Mi-hee

By participating in this challenge, Mayor Kim plans to continue to reduce plastic use and take various actions to protect the environment together with the residents of Dong-gu.

[Korean Today] Photo certifying participation in the ‘Bye Bye Plastic’ challenge © Reporter Kim Mi-hee

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