Yeonsu-gu ( District Mayor Lee Jae-ho ) Dongchun 2- dong Residents’ Autonomy Association ( Chairman Park Se-hwan ) held an Anabada Market at Dongmak Neighborhood Park on the 24th , where residents directly participated and operated Anabada booths and booths selling donation items .

This market is part of the Let’s Recycle Eco Together project, a specialized local autonomy project, and is an event that promotes communication and cooperation among residents by selling and sharing reusable daily necessities and raising awareness of environmental protection .

We ran a campaign to exchange and share toys , daily necessities, etc. , and to induce a change in awareness of resource utilization through eco-friendly experiences such as junk art , making coffee ground air fresheners , sea glass magnets , and leather crafts using scrap materials, as well as practicing carbon neutrality .

[Korean Today] Residents’ Autonomy Council Holds ‘Anabada Market’ ] © Reporter Kim Hyun-soo


The proceeds from sales at the Anabada Market event held on this day to promote harmony among residents and protect the environment will be voluntarily donated and used to help needy neighbors in the region .

Park Se- hwan , the chairman of the Dongchun 2- dong Residents’ Autonomous Association, said, I am glad that many residents are participating in the Anabada Market, which protects the environment through the virtuous cycle of resources .” He added , In the future, the Dongchun 2- dong Residents’ Autonomous Association will continue to carry out various activities that can contribute to the local community and the environment .

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