Sejong City Library Dodam-dong Library will hold a special lecture on the topic of improving children’s literacy on the 23rd. This lecture will be held from 7 to 9 PM in the 3rd floor auditorium of Dodam-dong Complex Community Center, inviting author Kim Yun-jeong, famous for her work ‘EBS Your Literacy’.

Recently, as the lack of literacy among children has become a social issue, various methods to improve it are receiving attention. In this lecture, author Kim Yun-jeong plans to diagnose the cause of the literacy problem and present the importance of improving literacy and specific practical measures.

[Korean Today] Poster for Author Kim Yun-jeong’s Lecture on the Topic of ‘Our Children’s Literacy’ © Reporter Lee Yun-ju

Those who wish to participate in the lecture can apply in advance through the Dodam-dong Library website ( As the number of applicants is limited to 100, early closing is expected.

A city library official said, “Through this lecture, we hope to inform the importance of improving children’s literacy skills and, based on this, contribute to spreading a reading culture in the region.” This lecture is expected to be a meaningful opportunity to provide practical help along with a deep understanding of literacy issues.

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