Selected as the 'Best' Institution in the Special Collection Measures Evaluation for the First Half of 2024

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By The Korean Today Global

Selected as the 'Best' Institution in the Special Collection Measures Evaluation for the First Half of 2024

Gyeonggi-do Uiwang-si achieved the feat of being selected as the best organization in the ‘2024 First Half Special Collection Measures (Collection Activities)’ evaluation conducted on 31 cities and counties in the province. This evaluation was conducted by Gyeonggi-do and was strictly conducted based on a total of 22 indicators in 6 fields, including the rate of collection of overdue amounts carried forward, virtual asset collection, house searches, liquidation of cannon vehicles, real estate auctions, and trust property collection. Uiwang-si showed excellent performance in all categories, overwhelming other cities and counties.

Uiwang City collected 3,777 million won, which is 39.2% of the 9,641 million won in local tax arrears, which is 15.6% higher than the Gyeonggi Province average collection rate of 23.6%. This achievement is due to Uiwang City’s customized collection strategy that fits the type of taxpayer. In particular, for high-value and habitual taxpayers, we strongly promoted the seizure of personal property through house searches and real estate auctions, and for small-value taxpayers, we actively provided tax arrears guidance through telephone consultations to encourage voluntary payment from taxpayers.

[Korean Today] Panoramic photo of Uiwang City Hall © Reporter Yoo Jong-suk

Mayor Kim Seong-je of Uiwang City emphasized, “This achievement is the result of the cooperation of all employees of Uiwang City and the tax awareness of citizens. We will continue to make every effort to collect overdue amounts through various tax payment convenience systems, and work even harder to expand self-financing resources and create a sound tax payment atmosphere.” In addition, Uiwang City plans to continue to provide citizens with more convenient tax payment services and to thoroughly manage and systematically respond to overdue taxpayers.

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