Incheon Michuhol-gu (District Mayor Lee Young-hoon) successfully completed the ‘Smart Dohwa Village Creation Project’ in the Dohwa-dong area and held a completion report meeting on the 9th.

This project was selected for the ‘Incheon City Smart Village Solution Distribution and Expansion Competition’ last year, and was promoted by securing a total project cost of 3.5 billion won (3.15 billion won from the national and city funds). Michuhol-gu introduced various smart solutions to improve the safety and convenience of residents through cooperation among nine departments.

Through this project, the district created six smart shade shelters, one smart library, 40 traditional market fire alarm IoT units, 100 home IoT units for vulnerable elderly households, two smart fine dust alarm units, one smart streetlight and smart park, 17 smart safety intersections, seven smart bus stops, and one data integration operation management system.

‘스마트 도화 빌리지 조성 사업’ 성공적 완료

[Korean Today] ‘Smart Dohwa Village Creation Project’ Completion Report Meeting © Reporter Kim Mi-hee

Mayor Lee Young-hoon said, “The Smart Dohwa Village project has greatly improved the living environment of residents, and we will continue to actively participate in various public offering projects to save district finances and take the lead in introducing digital technology to enhance the safety and welfare of residents.”

[Korean Today] ‘Smart Dohwa Village Creation Project’ Completion Report Meeting © Reporter Kim Mi-hee

A former official said, “This project has contributed to improving the living environment in the downtown area and enhancing the quality of life for residents,” and “It is expected to be of great help in solving regional problems, such as enhancing the safety of the socially disadvantaged.”

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