The Songbu-dong Residents’ Autonomy Association of Gunpo City (Chairman Ham Woon-sik) successfully held the ‘2024 3rd Songbu-dong Residents’ General Meeting’ on August 24th in the conference room of the Songbu-dong Administrative Welfare Center, with residents gathered in one place. The event began with a pre-event performance by the Gunpo Best Choir, and was attended by Gunpo Mayor Ha Eun-ho, Gunpo City Council Chairman Kim Gwi-geun, National Assembly Vice-Chairman Lee Hak-young, and about 100 residents.

This general meeting was notable for proposing a blueprint for the future of Songbu-dong, newly declaring the vision of the Songbu-dong Resident Autonomy Council as ‘Songbu-dong, the center of communication in Gunpo City and a harmonious luxury neighborhood’. Among the six resident-driven business proposals that residents directly discovered and discussed, four projects were finally selected through online voting, including △Senior Karaoke Class, △The 2nd Songbu-dong Family Fun Sports Day, △Let’s Play Bangjjaya, and △Environmental Protection Upcycle Class. In addition, △Installation of Food Waste Exclusive Container Racks and △Cloud Bridge Environmental Improvement Project were decided as business department-type projects.

Ham Woon-sik, chairman of the residents’ autonomous association, said, “This year’s 3rd Songbu-dong residents’ general meeting was an important opportunity to inform residents of the direction the residents’ autonomous association will take by declaring the vision,” and expressed his aspirations by saying, “We will actively promote the projects confirmed at the general meeting and work to create a ‘premium Songbu-dong.’”

[Korean Today] The 3rd Songbu-dong Residents’ General Meeting © Reporter Yoo Jong-sook

Residents showed great interest in the changes to come, expecting that the projects they personally selected will become a reality along with the new vision of Songbu-dong. For more information or inquiries about the Songbu-dong Resident Autonomy Council, contact the Gunpo-si Songbu-dong Resident Autonomy Council (031-390-3699).

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